Why is my SASSA Grant being reviewed?


Over 16 million South Africans receive social grants from the government each month. In order to eradicate fraud and make sure these grants are paid to the correct people, SASSA requires beneficiaries to undergo a review process.

How will I know my grant is being reviewed?

SASSA has stated that beneficiaries will be notified 3 months in advance (in writing) when their social grant status is up for review. SASSA reserves the right to review beneficiary’s social grants at any time should it believe that there have been changes in the beneficiaries financial circumstances or if the grant is about to expire.

SASSA’s review process abides by the legislated Regulations of the Social Assistance Act (2004). This Act ensures that all matters relating to beneficiaries who do not provide the necessary information for social grant reviews are governed in the correct manner.

What happens after the grant review?

Should the beneficiary fail to comply with the social grant review, then the grant will be suspended. In this instance, the applicant must ensure that they apply within 90 days of their grant being suspended to ensure that it may be restored. Should the applicant be unable to come to SASSA for the grant review, it is their responsibility to provide SASSA with adequate reasoning.

Beneficiaries who receive their grant via bank transfers must also complete a life certificate for SASSA’s records. Beneficiaries can obtain this form from SASSA’s offices or can receive it via post. It is essential that this form be completed on an annual basis as part of SASSA’s review process.

SASSA also receives assistance from the Department of Home Affairs regarding all beneficiary deaths. When SASSA receives word that a beneficiary is deceased, it immediately cancels their grant.

Why does SASSA review grants?

SASSA is determined to eradicate all fraudulent activities, therefore it is vital that applicants provide accurate information and are as honest as possible in their application. Recipients also have the responsibility to ensure that any fraudulent or corruption regarding social grants is reported.

SASSA is fully accountable for all public funds, as such, it is their responsibility to ensure that all beneficiaries meet the relevant requirements at the time they are eligible for any grant.

Most of SASSA’s social grants remain permanent until the beneficiary dies. SASSA may also have grant reviews that are appealed via the Independent Tribunal for Social Assistance Appeals.

Which grants get reviewed by SASSA?

The only grant that is not reviewed by SASSA is the Temporary Disability Grant. This is because the grant has an expiry rate based on a medical examination. Beneficiaries do, however, have the right to re-apply for this type of grant. A Permanent Disability Grant is reviewed by SASSA once every 5 years or when SASSA feels that the medical condition of the beneficiary has changed.

The Foster Child Grant is reviewed on the expiry of a court order, and the Social Relief Distress (SRD) Grant may also be extended if the recipients financial situation does not improve.

What documentation do I need for a Grant review?

  • All grants: your Identity Document
  • All grants: your 3 months bank statement and spouses 3 months bank statement if married
  • All grants: your payslip and spouses payslip if married
  • All grants: your proof of residence
  • Child Support Grant: birth certificates of children
  • Disability Grant and Care Dependency Grant: medical assessment


Will I get my grant payment after the review is complete?

If a beneficiary has submitted their required documents within 30 days of their grant being suspended and it is determined that they still qualify for the grant, SASSA will restore the grant from the date it was initially suspended.

Should you find that after submitting all your documents to SASSA, that you in fact do not qualify for social assistance, you may lodge an appeal with the Independent Tribunal. The appeal must be submitted within 90 days after the decision was made by SASSA.

READ ABOUT: Types of grants

SRD R350 Grant Care Dependency Grant Child Support Grant Foster Child Grant Disability Grant Older Persons Grant Grant-In-Aid War Veterans Grant


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For any further queries, please contact SASSA directly:
Contact the SASSA Toll Free Call centre on: 0800 60 10 11
Contact the SASSA Head Office on: 012 400 2322
Email SASSA Head Office at: Grantsenquiries@sassa.gov.za
Contact details of SASSA offices across the country: SASSA offices